Experience Freedom. Feel Alive… TODAY!
Over the years, I’ve invested in various books, products, programs, and services that have helped me transform and improve different aspects of my life. I’m often asked what I personally use and recommend, so I thought it would be helpful to share the best resources I’ve found. These are things I’ve used and loved, and you might find them helpful too. Some of the links below might be relevant to you now, while others may become useful at other times. I update this list regularly, so feel free to check back whenever you need!
This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only share products that I have personally used and have benefited from. Thank you for your support!

Favorite Books
Here is a list of books Deanna’s likes. You can find them on Amazon.

Favorite Products
These are products that Deanna has used and loved.

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Check out Kat’s magic! She prepares custom flower essence blends and other amazing goodies. My favorites are Infinite Love (go figure!), Game Changer, and of course her custom blends when things get really wonky. Get 10% off with this discount code “peace” . (the code may change, but it’s a good place holder for now)

Sharing essential oils is a unique experience. This is a more one-on-one approach that allows individuals to experience for themselves the incredible power of essential oils while also developing relationships of trust.

Delicious Dark chocolate with CBD oil, Acai Berries, and more.

Love these little stickers.

Purchase notecards and prints of Antonio Vorster.

Deanna’s Meditations
In these videos, Deanna guides you through a relaxing and reflective meditation.
Guided Meditation
One Moment at a time Meditation
Vibrant Health Meditation
Heart Meditation
Sleep Deeply Meditation
Creating Solutions Guided Meditation

EFT Tapping
In these videos, Deanna walks you through a treatment technique used for physical pain and emotional distress.
EFT Tapping Basic Recipe
EFT Tapping Points Demo
EFT Tapping Quick Alternative
EFT Tapping – Just Do It!

Deanna’s Videos
In the videos below you will find some videos about Deanna’s courses, her musings, and testimonials.

About Deanna Lyons
Helping you channel your full potential
A little bit about my philosophy in general and my previous website name.
What you see is what you get…
Serenity Project: Make Peace with Food and Love Your Body....Now!
Make Peace with Food
What do you notice when you eat?
Physical Hunger
Serenity Project Testimonial Full Length
Transmute Stress, Transform Your Life!
Transmute Stress, Transform Your Life! with Deanna Lyons
Infinite Power of 3
Infinite Power of 3 Grounding Meditation
Grounded in 3 Minutes with EFT Tapping
3 N’s – Notice it, Name it, Choose New
Become the Aware Witness
Energy Balancing
Finger Holding
This is a great tool to calm and balance your energy anywhere at any time! I especially recommend doing this right before bed to help calm the nervous system and if you wake up in the middle of the night, give it a try then too. Many people report they’ve fallen back asleep before finishing the series.