Helping you channel your full potential.

My Story

As a lifelong learner, I found myself exploring hypnosis for stress management. Life has a funny way of bringing people and unexpected gifts into your life. This study led me to a completely new path outside of the managerial positions in warehousing, manufacturing, travel, and meeting planning which I previously held.

As a sister, daughter, wife, mother, and entrepreneur, I’m able to capitalize on those experiences. I couple them with my intuition and formal training in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique),  Somatic Experiencing, as a PAUSE Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner to provide a powerful combination to assist you with your journey! 

My Approach

After a lot of trial and error, time and money, I found a few very special techniques that seemed to build momentum in a positive way. Some issues seemingly went away overnight and others required a more dedicated commitment to myself and my well-being. That momentum has built to the point that I want to share with you the gifts that I have been lucky enough to learn from the talented and committed teachers in my life. 

If you are looking for a one or two session fix, it might happen. I’ve had that experience with a client who experienced a lifelong fear of dental work. While many issues take longer, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact number of sessions required. Regular self-care is critical in today’s busy world, and this could be a powerful tool to include in your routine. One fact you can be certain of is that you are worth it!  

I am committed to learning and evolving every day.  My life isn’t perfect and that’s ok. I’m so much happier and have the capacity to deal more effectively with life’s ups and downs in a more graceful way. Please contact me and let’s get you started too!

Specializing in..

Relationship with food and your body

Stress anxiety


Cleaning old memories and events

Overcoming obstacles to setting and achieving goals

Relationship issues

Modalities Used

 EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Somatic Experiencing

Matrix and Matrix Birth Reimprinting/Hacking Reality

The PAUSE Model of Spiritual Counseling


Conscious Healing

Energy Balancing


Please Note:  I am NOT a licensed health care provider, counselor, or psychotherapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. Hypnosis, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and other modalities offered are not a substitute for professional healthcare. Information provided in this website is for general education and not intended to replace qualified medical or psychological advice.

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